A Church for
Carson City, Moundhouse, and Dayton
Coming from Carson City:
Take Highway 50 heading East, up the hill going out of town. Go under the train bridge. We are on the left, just past Red Rock. Turn at the A-frame house (church annex). Service TimesComing from Dayton:
Take Highway 50 heading West, up the hill going out of town. Go all the way through Moundhouse, past the Auto Body shop. Turn right at the A-frame house (church annex). Service TimesDirections to Heaven
God created the Universe, including human beings. As the Creator, He has the right to set the rules.
human being who has ever lived has rebelled against God. This rebellion
is called sin and deserves the death penalty. Even more, it deserves
Eternal Death; dying for all of eternity.
A Just God can do nothing but condemn all humans stained with sin to Hell. Sin simply can not exist in the presence of our Just God.
But our God is also the God of Love. He wanted to provide a way for us to go live with Him in Heaven.
God put on a robe of human flesh and humbled Himself to human birth. He lived a sinless life, facing the same temptations we face in our lives. He then allowed Himself to be crucified- the most torturous method of execution humans have ever come up with- in order to pay the debt for our sin. This is a free gift directly from God Himself.
But no gift does any good if it is left in the box, all wrapped up in paper.
If we want this gift of Salvation From Hell, we must "unwrap" it.
We must ask Jesus to live in our hearts as our Boss.
This means turning from (repenting of) our sins and striving for a righteous life.
And the cool thing is, God is waiting right now to Save you! If you just ask (and mean it!) He WILL come into your life can help you on your way to heaven.